26. 11. 2013

One wish, MaryPop

Nový zimní, lehce vánoční kit One wish od MaryPop.
K dostání @ Oscraps

New winter slightly christmas kit One wish by MaryPop
You can buy it @ Oscraps

14. 11. 2013

My jolly frosty Friday, Sarahh Graphics

Koupila jsem si tenhle nádherný kit od Sarahh Graphics. Pracuje se s ním samo.
Koupit si ho můžete na Pickelberrypop.

2. 11. 2013

5 o´clock - Alenka designs

New beautiful tender kit by Alenka designs. It contains 65 elements and 12 papers.
You can buy it @ Digidesignresort

And here are my pages. These girly colors suit boys to:-)



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