31. 5. 2011

Aquarius, Scrapinsider collab

Huge and really wonderful collab of Scrapinsider designers.

30. 5. 2011

Little circus by SnapWings

This little and charming kit with a nice texture contains 65 elements, 15 papers.
You also can buy the bundle - Kit, Alpha, Brads and Style. Buying the bundle you save money!

27. 5. 2011

Sea stories, MaryPop

New kit Sea strories by MaryPop

24. 5. 2011

Sea, sea, BL design

Nový báječný letní kit od BL design. 
Obsahuje 9 papírů, 60 elementů se stíny i bez a 11 overlays.
Zakoupit můžete v shopu DDD nebo na MMB.

8. 5. 2011

Fresh day,BL design

Novinka od BL design
za koruny na MMB